Dari kemarin janji untuk posting tentang Indonesian Crafters Gathering plus mini workshop di rumah mba amesh tapi ketunda terus karena banyak sekali yang mesti dikerjakan.
Tapi sekarang mesti dipaksa nulis nih..hehehehe..soalnya udah janji dng teman2 lain yang ngga bisa datang, bahwa saya akan memberikan mereka oleh-oleh seputar suasana arisan putaran kedua kemarin.
Hari Minggu tanggal 19 kemarin diawali dengan hujan deras sedari Subuh yang ngga mau berhenti sampai menjelang siang.
Duuuhh..jam 6 pagi udah deg-degan..mikirin apakah temen-temen peserta arisan akan bisa datang..mengingat hujannya cukup deras dan kebanyakan dari kami harus naik kendaraan umum untuk ke lokasi rumah mba amesh.
Sekitar jam 11 pagi hujan mulai agak mereda..tapi deg-degan saya ngga reda juga..soalnya masih terus kuatir gimana kalo pada banyak yang ngga bisa datang (saya harus mulai untuk lebih santai kayaknya dalam meng-organisir sesuatu..kalo deg-degan mulu ntar bisa bahaya niihh..)
Eeehhh..jam 11.30 sampai dirumah mba amesh ternyata ada beberapa member IC dan pembaca blog mba amesh yang udah datang duluan..hihihihhi..malah jadi saya yang telat.
Jam 12 siang teman-teman yang lain sudah mulai berdatangan...jadi mini workshop kita bisa dimulai.
Yeepp..arisan kali ini kita diajarin mba amesh untuk bikin frame dilapisi dengan kain. Ternyata gampang gampang susah yaa..hihihihi..ada yang bilang kainnya ngga mau ngikut tangan (entah gimana maksudnya..ngga sempet nanya lagi sama yang bersangkutan..), guntingnya kurang tajam, (pura-pura) rebutan lem, sampai ada yang saking gemesnya kok frame-nya ngga berbentuk dan mau beli jadi aja ke mba amesh..hahaahahaha..
Tapi semua senang hari itu, karena frame kami yang sudah jadi boleh dibawa pulang..dan all free courtesy to mba amesh..thank you mba..:)
Ini dia keceriaan kami..dan kehebohan kami saat mengikuti workshopnya (dan melihat interior rumah mba amesh yang lucu)..
Dan inilah kami para peserta yang hadir hari itu berpose dengan frame kami..
Sampai jumpa di arisan putaran ke tiga nanti yaaa..
February 21, 2012
February 20, 2012
An Affair With...
Been a while since the last article..i'm preparing new project for my blog.
It's something that i want to make it happen since a couple of months ago, but the difficulties of being a full time mum and half time blogger/crafter/enterpreneur is that i have to juggle between family, fabrics, laundry, making dishes and so on and so on and so on...hahahhahaha..
Too many excuses..i know..but it's true.
Since i don't have maid like forever, i have to do the chores by myself.
Well..husband is a very helpful person..but he got his homework too, so we both juggling..hihihihi..
An Affair With..is something very inspirational.
An inspirational stories about inspirational people.
Just wait and see.
And hopefully you like to it and get inspired..:)
Been a while since the last article..i'm preparing new project for my blog.
It's something that i want to make it happen since a couple of months ago, but the difficulties of being a full time mum and half time blogger/crafter/enterpreneur is that i have to juggle between family, fabrics, laundry, making dishes and so on and so on and so on...hahahhahaha..
Too many excuses..i know..but it's true.
Since i don't have maid like forever, i have to do the chores by myself.
Well..husband is a very helpful person..but he got his homework too, so we both juggling..hihihihi..
An Affair With..is something very inspirational.
An inspirational stories about inspirational people.
Just wait and see.
And hopefully you like to it and get inspired..:)
February 17, 2012
February 10, 2012
Giveaways - Myurbey and Achter
This is insane..
In the middle of the nite and posting something in my blog because i really feels like 24 hours of time isn't enough for me...;p
February Giveaway, anyone...
This time Giveaway is coming from Myurbey collaboration with Achter
These girls have tastes ! Hihihihihihi..
Check out their T and C here ...and starts drooling with those giveaway items..hhhmmm..
Good luck all !
In the middle of the nite and posting something in my blog because i really feels like 24 hours of time isn't enough for me...;p
February Giveaway, anyone...
This time Giveaway is coming from Myurbey collaboration with Achter
These girls have tastes ! Hihihihihihi..
Check out their T and C here ...and starts drooling with those giveaway items..hhhmmm..
Good luck all !
Meet Nixie Chaitra Bin Mohammad Nizam
I'm soooo happy cause i have new nephew !!
My sister, Chita just gave birth last Tuesday..and she and her husband got a very handsome baby boy.
Meet Nixie Chaitra Bin Mohammad Nizam everyone..
Isn't he lovely !!
He looks like both of his father and mother..and a bit of Mosha..hihihihhi..
And the meaning of his name is "a celebrations of the birth of a boy who have a water dragon spirit who brings joy to the world"
Kinda like that..his name is a bit from Sanskrit and a bit of Thai.
Congratulations Jeng Chita and Ziggy..
Our love and prayers be with you three..
Kisses for Nixie..
Wet sloppy kiss from Mas Mosha..:)
I'm soooo happy cause i have new nephew !!
My sister, Chita just gave birth last Tuesday..and she and her husband got a very handsome baby boy.
Meet Nixie Chaitra Bin Mohammad Nizam everyone..
Isn't he lovely !!
He looks like both of his father and mother..and a bit of Mosha..hihihihhi..
And the meaning of his name is "a celebrations of the birth of a boy who have a water dragon spirit who brings joy to the world"
Kinda like that..his name is a bit from Sanskrit and a bit of Thai.
Congratulations Jeng Chita and Ziggy..
Our love and prayers be with you three..
Kisses for Nixie..
Wet sloppy kiss from Mas Mosha..:)
Rejeki Sore Hari
Hari ini baru sempet posting lagi setelah beberapa hari ngga bisa posting karena dikejar kerjaan yang (Alhamdulillah) lumayan banyak...amieenn..:)
Naahhhh..pas mau posting cerita baru dan mampir sebentar untuk blogwalking ke tempat para member Indonesian Crafters
eeehh..mba sari mention nama saya dan bilang bahwa saya adalah salah satu pemenang dari Giveaway Contest yang diadain oleh Craftland sewaktu mereka ikutan Hellofest kemarin.
Yyyeaaayyyyy...yyiipppiiieeee...ini adalah rejeki sore hari saya..
Alhamdulillah !
Itu dia nama saya di urutan paling atas..hehehehe..
Pas banget lagi saya memenangkan fabrics bundle dari mba dyah from toko makdee..pas saya lagi perlu fabrics untuk bikin tas dan dompet..:)
Dan ada juga pemenang on the spot yang sudah belanja di booth Craftland sewaktu mereka join Hellofest kemarin..
Selamat juga ya teman - teman..
Terima kasih para Craftland...love you full..:)
Hari ini baru sempet posting lagi setelah beberapa hari ngga bisa posting karena dikejar kerjaan yang (Alhamdulillah) lumayan banyak...amieenn..:)
Naahhhh..pas mau posting cerita baru dan mampir sebentar untuk blogwalking ke tempat para member Indonesian Crafters
eeehh..mba sari mention nama saya dan bilang bahwa saya adalah salah satu pemenang dari Giveaway Contest yang diadain oleh Craftland sewaktu mereka ikutan Hellofest kemarin.
Yyyeaaayyyyy...yyiipppiiieeee...ini adalah rejeki sore hari saya..
Alhamdulillah !
Itu dia nama saya di urutan paling atas..hehehehe..
Pas banget lagi saya memenangkan fabrics bundle dari mba dyah from toko makdee..pas saya lagi perlu fabrics untuk bikin tas dan dompet..:)
Dan ada juga pemenang on the spot yang sudah belanja di booth Craftland sewaktu mereka join Hellofest kemarin..
Selamat juga ya teman - teman..
Terima kasih para Craftland...love you full..:)
February 03, 2012
Hermes Temptation
Today was lovely.
Just received a copy of a book called "Hermes Temptation" written by Fitria Yusuf and Alexandra Dewi.
And i got my book signed by Miss Fitria Yusuf herself...whoop..whoop..;p
This book is lovely.
A bitter sweet stories and excitement yet sorrows about two Hermes bag resellers who sells those premium bags online.
It's chick literature, with quirky illustrations and witty story telling from both of them as an authors.
Ms. Fitria Yusuf and Ms. Alexandra Dewi
Like the authors said “... and I won't let what I have or what I don't have dictate whether I'm superior or inferior to others.”
The book is telling people never judge someone from their bags...:)
It's definitely a must read book.
Just received a copy of a book called "Hermes Temptation" written by Fitria Yusuf and Alexandra Dewi.
And i got my book signed by Miss Fitria Yusuf herself...whoop..whoop..;p
This book is lovely.
A bitter sweet stories and excitement yet sorrows about two Hermes bag resellers who sells those premium bags online.
It's chick literature, with quirky illustrations and witty story telling from both of them as an authors.
Ms. Fitria Yusuf and Ms. Alexandra Dewi
Like the authors said “... and I won't let what I have or what I don't have dictate whether I'm superior or inferior to others.”
The book is telling people never judge someone from their bags...:)
It's definitely a must read book.