Date a girl who reads.
Date a girl who spends her money on books instead of clothes. She has problems with closet space because she has too many books. Date a girl who has a list of books she wants to read, who has had a library card since she was twelve.
Find a girl who reads.
You’ll know that she does because she will always have an unread book in her bag. She’s the one lovingly looking over the shelves in the bookstore, the one who quietly cries out when she finds the book she wants. You see the weird chick sniffing the pages of an old book in a second hand book shop? That’s the reader. They can never resist smelling the pages, especially when they are yellow.
She’s the girl reading while waiting in that coffee shop down the street. If you take a peek at her mug, the non-dairy creamer is floating on top because she’s kind of engrossed already. Lost in a world of the author’s making. Sit down. She might give you a glare, as most girls who read do not like to be interrupted. Ask her if she likes the book.
Buy her another cup of coffee.
Let her know what you really think of Murakami. See if she got through the first chapter of Fellowship. Understand that if she says she understood James Joyce’s Ulysses she’s just saying that to sound intelligent. Ask her if she loves Alice or she would like to be Alice.
It’s easy to date a girl who reads.
Give her books for her birthday, for Christmas and for anniversaries. Give her the gift of words, in poetry, in song. Give her Neruda, Pound, Sexton, Cummings. Let her know that you understand that words are love. Understand that she knows the difference between books and reality but by god, she’s going to try to make her life a little like her favorite book. It will never be your fault if she does.
She has to give it a shot somehow.
Lie to her.
If she understands syntax, she will understand your need to lie. Behind words are other things: motivation, value, nuance, dialogue. It will not be the end of the world.
Fail her.
Because a girl who reads knows that failure always leads up to the climax. Because girls who understand that all things will come to end. That you can always write a sequel. That you can begin again and again and still be the hero. That life is meant to have a villain or two.
Why be frightened of everything that you are not? Girls who read understand that people, like characters, develop. Except in the Twilight series.
If you find a girl who reads, keep her close. When you find her up at 2 AM clutching a book to her chest and weeping, make her a cup of tea and hold her. You may lose her for a couple of hours but she will always come back to you. She’ll talk as if the characters in the book are real, because for a while, they always are.
You will propose on a hot air balloon. Or during a rock concert. Or very casually next time she’s sick. Over Skype.
You will smile so hard you will wonder why your heart hasn’t burst and bled out all over your chest yet. You will write the story of your lives, have kids with strange names and even stranger tastes. She will introduce your children to the Cat in the Hat and Aslan, maybe in the same day. You will walk the winters of your old age together and she will recite Keats under her breath while you shake the snow off your boots.
Date a girl who reads because you deserve it. You deserve a girl who can give you the most colorful life imaginable. If you can only give her monotony, and stale hours and half-baked proposals, then you’re better off alone. If you want the world and the worlds beyond it, date a girl who reads.
Or better yet, date a girl who writes.
– Rosemarie Urquico –
October 27, 2012
October 23, 2012
Japanesse Premium For Kids
New design from Mosha Beddings !
These pattern just arrived few weeks ago and became a trend for bedding equipment. You can make a purchase at our online shop, Mosha Beddings and you can choose more variety of the design there.
For ordering, please drop a message to Mosha Beddings
Or you can call or text : 0811.954469
Have a sweet dreams..:)
These pattern just arrived few weeks ago and became a trend for bedding equipment. You can make a purchase at our online shop, Mosha Beddings and you can choose more variety of the design there.
For ordering, please drop a message to Mosha Beddings
Or you can call or text : 0811.954469
Have a sweet dreams..:)
October 22, 2012
An Affair With Nur Hamidiya From Ciss Handmade
Oh My Gosh...
Been a while since my last post yaa..maaafffkaaann..saya lagi sibuk "naik gunung" untuk keperluan produk terbaru dari Miss Chesie, dan biasanya kalo sedang dapet ide maka semua hal agak sedikit terlupakan dan terbengkalai (alasan semata ssiihh..hahaha..padahal time management-nya yang kurang bagus).
Begitu juga artikel An Affair With ini..agak sedikit molor dari yang sudah dijadwalkan. Tapi ngga papa kali ya..better late than never kan ?? (kembali beralasan..hihihi..)
Affair kita kali ini bersama Nur Hamidiya atau biasa dipanggil Dya..sang empunya brand Ciss Handmade
Saya kenal Dya baru dari media sosial..belum pernah ketemu langsung..tapi saya langsung jatuh hati ama sikap friendly dan hasil karya Dya. So pretty as youngsters these days called..hehehehe..semua karya Dya sangat berbau girlie dan manis, seperti sang empunya karya..:)
Kita ngobrol bareng Dya yyuukk...
Kenapa brandnya dinamakan ciss handmade..cerita dong arti nama brandnya ?
Kenapa dinamakan Ciss ?
Mmmhh..simple sebenernya, karena Dya punya panggilan kecil dari temen - temen "kucis", awalnya panggilan itu dari "seseorang"..hheehehe..entah apa artinya, mungkin lucu kecil..;p
trus enak di denger juga.."ciss..."
Udah berapa lama bergelut di dunia per-handmade-an ?
Sebenernya kalo seriusnya baru setelah lulus dari perkuliahan arsitektur, kalo seneng bikin - bikin sih udah dari jaman SMA, tapi waktu itu masih dipake sendiri..untuk kepuasan sendiri dan hobi aja..:)
Tapi setelah lulus tanpa pikir panjang langsung buka lapak "Ciss Handmade"
Gimana awalnya terjun ke dunia handmade ?
Pertama karena hobi.
Yap...dulu awalnya bikin yang simple simple dari pita, kain flanel, renda air, dibikin bros bunga - bungaan...trus juga gantungan hape, tempat hape juga...yang masih simple - simple dipake untuk sehari - hari..hihihi..
Tapi lama kelamaan pengen nyoba dari bahan - bahan lain, trusss alhamdulillaahh..respon yang baik dari pembeli, sampe sekarang alhamdulillah udah 2 tahun..:)
Dapat inspirasi dan ide untuk tiap karyanya Ciss Handmade dari mana sih ?
Inspirasi Ciss dateng dari mana aja, dari bahan yang belum jadi, dari browsing lewat internet, dari majalah - majalah, dari banyak hal yang kita lihat dan kita jumpai juga. Banyak banget yang bisa kita jadiin inspirasi..:)
Denger - denger baru nerbitin buku craft ya..awal mulanya dapat tawaran bikin buku itu gimana ? dan suka dukanya dalam menerbitkan buku craft apa aja ?
Akhirnya setelah berkelut selama setahun, buku craft Ciss terbit juga..hihihi..
Isinya buku ini tentang kreasi dari zipper, lebih banyak untuk aksesories, karena memang hati Ciss lebih jatuh cintanya pada dunia handmade aksesories..hheeehehe...
Dulu awalnya, karena gak sengaja komen di fbnya mbak dita "cemprut" waktu itu mbak dita abis nerbitin buku juga, and Dya kasih selamat disitu.
Tiba - tiba telpon berdering, dari penerbit buku, tertarik dengan kreasi Ciss dari zipper....waaaawww...bener - bener terkejut !
Dalam hati Dya waktu komen di mbak "cemprut" : "hmm....kapan ya, bisa bikin buku craft kayak gitu?"
Dan Subhanallah...sebegitu cepatnya Allah kasih jawaban..;p
Bersyukur sekali !
Untuk suka dukanya..hmm..banyak banget mbak..
Ini pertama kali Ciss bikin buku, sama sekali belum tau apa - apa dan harus gimana, tanya sana sini, trus mulai bikin kreasi, semangat sempet naik turun...tapi akhirnya setelah prosesnya yang cukup panjang, Alhamdulillaah...terbit juga bukunya, semoga bisa memberikan manfaat buat temen - temen yang mau belajar..:)
Boleh minta tips untuk jadi trendsetter, apa aja yang mesti dilakukan supaya produk kita bisa punya "ciri khas" ?
Untuk jadi trendsetter ? be yourself aja...
Apa yang kita suka, jadikan itu sebagai lebihnya kita, karena itulah ciri khas kita..:)
Ciss suka banget ama bentuk bentuk flower dan tampaknya semakin cinta, jadi Ciss lebih eksplore aja bagaimana penampilan bunga itu bisa tampil "lebih" diantara bunga - bunga yang lain..:)
Selamat berkarya !!
As usual..di akhir obrolan affair kita, selalu ada surprise untuk semua pembaca blog Miss Chesie.
Kali ini Dya bakalan ngasih 3 copies buku barunya yang berjudul "Inspirasi Dari Zipper" untuk 3 pembaca dan para giveaway hunters.
Caranya simple as our life..hihihi..
Jawab dulu pertanyaan berikut ya :
Menurut kamu apakah artinya cita - cita itu ?
Truuss..jangan lupa juga untuk :
Follow blog Ciss Handmade dan Miss Chesie
Like fans page Ciss Handmade dan Miss Chesie
Follow twitter Ciss Handmade dan Miss Chesie
Share GA button di semua sosmed yang kamu punya.
Jangan lupa cantumkan jawaban dan email kalian di kolom comment blog ini ya.
Deadline sampai tanggal 12 November 2012 yaa..masih lama kok..jadi jangan lupa ajak semua temen untuk ikutan GA contest ini.
Happy Giveaway Hunting everyone..good luck..:)
Been a while since my last post yaa..maaafffkaaann..saya lagi sibuk "naik gunung" untuk keperluan produk terbaru dari Miss Chesie, dan biasanya kalo sedang dapet ide maka semua hal agak sedikit terlupakan dan terbengkalai (alasan semata ssiihh..hahaha..padahal time management-nya yang kurang bagus).
Begitu juga artikel An Affair With ini..agak sedikit molor dari yang sudah dijadwalkan. Tapi ngga papa kali ya..better late than never kan ?? (kembali beralasan..hihihi..)
Affair kita kali ini bersama Nur Hamidiya atau biasa dipanggil Dya..sang empunya brand Ciss Handmade
Saya kenal Dya baru dari media sosial..belum pernah ketemu langsung..tapi saya langsung jatuh hati ama sikap friendly dan hasil karya Dya. So pretty as youngsters these days called..hehehehe..semua karya Dya sangat berbau girlie dan manis, seperti sang empunya karya..:)
Kita ngobrol bareng Dya yyuukk...
Kenapa brandnya dinamakan ciss handmade..cerita dong arti nama brandnya ?
Kenapa dinamakan Ciss ?
Mmmhh..simple sebenernya, karena Dya punya panggilan kecil dari temen - temen "kucis", awalnya panggilan itu dari "seseorang"..hheehehe..entah apa artinya, mungkin lucu kecil..;p
trus enak di denger juga.."ciss..."
Udah berapa lama bergelut di dunia per-handmade-an ?
Sebenernya kalo seriusnya baru setelah lulus dari perkuliahan arsitektur, kalo seneng bikin - bikin sih udah dari jaman SMA, tapi waktu itu masih dipake sendiri..untuk kepuasan sendiri dan hobi aja..:)
Tapi setelah lulus tanpa pikir panjang langsung buka lapak "Ciss Handmade"
Gimana awalnya terjun ke dunia handmade ?
Pertama karena hobi.
Yap...dulu awalnya bikin yang simple simple dari pita, kain flanel, renda air, dibikin bros bunga - bungaan...trus juga gantungan hape, tempat hape juga...yang masih simple - simple dipake untuk sehari - hari..hihihi..
Tapi lama kelamaan pengen nyoba dari bahan - bahan lain, trusss alhamdulillaahh..respon yang baik dari pembeli, sampe sekarang alhamdulillah udah 2 tahun..:)
Dapat inspirasi dan ide untuk tiap karyanya Ciss Handmade dari mana sih ?
Inspirasi Ciss dateng dari mana aja, dari bahan yang belum jadi, dari browsing lewat internet, dari majalah - majalah, dari banyak hal yang kita lihat dan kita jumpai juga. Banyak banget yang bisa kita jadiin inspirasi..:)
Denger - denger baru nerbitin buku craft ya..awal mulanya dapat tawaran bikin buku itu gimana ? dan suka dukanya dalam menerbitkan buku craft apa aja ?
Akhirnya setelah berkelut selama setahun, buku craft Ciss terbit juga..hihihi..
Isinya buku ini tentang kreasi dari zipper, lebih banyak untuk aksesories, karena memang hati Ciss lebih jatuh cintanya pada dunia handmade aksesories..hheeehehe...
Dulu awalnya, karena gak sengaja komen di fbnya mbak dita "cemprut" waktu itu mbak dita abis nerbitin buku juga, and Dya kasih selamat disitu.
Tiba - tiba telpon berdering, dari penerbit buku, tertarik dengan kreasi Ciss dari zipper....waaaawww...bener - bener terkejut !
Dalam hati Dya waktu komen di mbak "cemprut" : "hmm....kapan ya, bisa bikin buku craft kayak gitu?"
Dan Subhanallah...sebegitu cepatnya Allah kasih jawaban..;p
Bersyukur sekali !
Untuk suka dukanya..hmm..banyak banget mbak..
Ini pertama kali Ciss bikin buku, sama sekali belum tau apa - apa dan harus gimana, tanya sana sini, trus mulai bikin kreasi, semangat sempet naik turun...tapi akhirnya setelah prosesnya yang cukup panjang, Alhamdulillaah...terbit juga bukunya, semoga bisa memberikan manfaat buat temen - temen yang mau belajar..:)
Boleh minta tips untuk jadi trendsetter, apa aja yang mesti dilakukan supaya produk kita bisa punya "ciri khas" ?
Untuk jadi trendsetter ? be yourself aja...
Apa yang kita suka, jadikan itu sebagai lebihnya kita, karena itulah ciri khas kita..:)
Ciss suka banget ama bentuk bentuk flower dan tampaknya semakin cinta, jadi Ciss lebih eksplore aja bagaimana penampilan bunga itu bisa tampil "lebih" diantara bunga - bunga yang lain..:)
Selamat berkarya !!
As usual..di akhir obrolan affair kita, selalu ada surprise untuk semua pembaca blog Miss Chesie.
Kali ini Dya bakalan ngasih 3 copies buku barunya yang berjudul "Inspirasi Dari Zipper" untuk 3 pembaca dan para giveaway hunters.
Caranya simple as our life..hihihi..
Jawab dulu pertanyaan berikut ya :
Menurut kamu apakah artinya cita - cita itu ?
Truuss..jangan lupa juga untuk :
Follow blog Ciss Handmade dan Miss Chesie
Like fans page Ciss Handmade dan Miss Chesie
Follow twitter Ciss Handmade dan Miss Chesie
Share GA button di semua sosmed yang kamu punya.
Jangan lupa cantumkan jawaban dan email kalian di kolom comment blog ini ya.
Deadline sampai tanggal 12 November 2012 yaa..masih lama kok..jadi jangan lupa ajak semua temen untuk ikutan GA contest ini.
Happy Giveaway Hunting everyone..good luck..:)
October 06, 2012
I Was on "On Day Monday"
Oh good God..
I forgot that i was once featured on an article called "On Day Monday" by Nest of Ojanto
This was my first interview on media, a good (new) friend of mine at that time, Mr. Fauzan told me that he was inspired by my activity with Indonesian Crafter and he wanted to published my story about my experience on organizing crafter from all around Indonesia.
I was like "what?! he got inspired by me??"
I AM the one who got inspired by him actually, because of his spirit about making something great with your own hand.
And to be honest, i was very honored that he considered me as an inspiration.
The title of my article was "Chesiria Tattia | Connecting The Dots", you can read the rest of the interview here
I hope the article also gets you inspired..:)
I forgot that i was once featured on an article called "On Day Monday" by Nest of Ojanto
This was my first interview on media, a good (new) friend of mine at that time, Mr. Fauzan told me that he was inspired by my activity with Indonesian Crafter and he wanted to published my story about my experience on organizing crafter from all around Indonesia.
I was like "what?! he got inspired by me??"
I AM the one who got inspired by him actually, because of his spirit about making something great with your own hand.
And to be honest, i was very honored that he considered me as an inspiration.
The title of my article was "Chesiria Tattia | Connecting The Dots", you can read the rest of the interview here
I hope the article also gets you inspired..:)
October 03, 2012
Bintaro Festival Bazaar
Some of Indonesian Crafter members including me are having a great time at Bintaro Festival Bazaar last 29 - 30 September.
We made a fortune and new friends there..:)
Also the crowd was great..we didn't expect there will be a lot of buyer or handmade lover to come, since that day were so chill and very windy but at the very best we hope, there were still a good ambiance and support about our products.
Here are some of the fun during bazaar..
our handmade lovers/dearly customers..
Bazaar is so much fun when you share the moment with your friends..hope you guys have a great night..:)
We made a fortune and new friends there..:)
Also the crowd was great..we didn't expect there will be a lot of buyer or handmade lover to come, since that day were so chill and very windy but at the very best we hope, there were still a good ambiance and support about our products.
Here are some of the fun during bazaar..
our handmade lovers/dearly customers..
Bazaar is so much fun when you share the moment with your friends..hope you guys have a great night..:)
Tour de Mayestik Report
Like i mention on my earlier post..our handmade community, Indonesian Crafters will planning to have a trip to craft supplies market at Pasar Mayestik and we're going to have a craft swap also there.
Been planning this trip a couple of month ago when i accidentally comment about monthly workshop and i said that i want us to have a gathering together to a craft supplies market, and the reaction from other members were like massive snowball !!
All hands are up, never mind the singles cause they have time of their life..but the housewives/mothers must called their husband or their mother to arrange a time for them (the husband and the grandma) if they can babysit the children or the grandchildren, while the mummies are having their "me time" (more like a "shopping time" i think..haahahha..)
And when the day was come, i promise to some of IC members to fetched them at Terminal Blok M, since some of them didn't know a route to Mayestik, so early in Sunday morning (wow..this is a record..i woke up so effing early on Sunday) at 7 am, i dragged my feet on Terminal Blok M and fetched up some new friends, and the mission was like having a blind date..hahahahaha..we tell each other our clothes and bags and try to find each other among the romantic, no ?
Done with the fetching job..we went straight to Pasar Mayestik to begin the shopping journey (and begin to make a withdrawn to our ATM..;p)
Let the shopping..begin !
And this is us..during brunch time and craft swap..look at those craft swap on the table, how tempting..
And this is our craft swap..the pictures taken after we swap the gifts, so this is us with our swap from other crafter..tee heee..
Wooohhhoooo..what a journey..hahahahhaa..
When our heart (and wallet) screaming "enough with the shopping while your money still save and sound !!" but our eyes and our mind and the store assistant keep saying "naaahh..that's okay, the fabric in the corner are just arrived with new pattern and design.."
Good GOD help us !!
And to keep in mind : shopping with friends is contagious !
I keep telling myself, that's it ! i just want to buy 2 meters of polkadot fabrics since i haven't got the color, and no matter how my friends seduce me with fabric in front of my eyes, i will stand my ground !
But when i checked my bag..
Yyeepp..successfully bought 2 meters of polkadot fabric, 2 meters of flowery fabrics, and 2 meters of cartoon pattern of ribbon.
So much with the promise ! hahahahhahaha...;p
But i bet we will make another round some times next week..or next month..or (who knows) couple of days later after i post this story..;p
No remorse on whatsoever..because we had a great great great time !
Definitely !
Been planning this trip a couple of month ago when i accidentally comment about monthly workshop and i said that i want us to have a gathering together to a craft supplies market, and the reaction from other members were like massive snowball !!
All hands are up, never mind the singles cause they have time of their life..but the housewives/mothers must called their husband or their mother to arrange a time for them (the husband and the grandma) if they can babysit the children or the grandchildren, while the mummies are having their "me time" (more like a "shopping time" i think..haahahha..)
And when the day was come, i promise to some of IC members to fetched them at Terminal Blok M, since some of them didn't know a route to Mayestik, so early in Sunday morning (wow..this is a record..i woke up so effing early on Sunday) at 7 am, i dragged my feet on Terminal Blok M and fetched up some new friends, and the mission was like having a blind date..hahahahaha..we tell each other our clothes and bags and try to find each other among the romantic, no ?
Done with the fetching job..we went straight to Pasar Mayestik to begin the shopping journey (and begin to make a withdrawn to our ATM..;p)
Let the shopping..begin !
And this is us..during brunch time and craft swap..look at those craft swap on the table, how tempting..
And this is our craft swap..the pictures taken after we swap the gifts, so this is us with our swap from other crafter..tee heee..
Wooohhhoooo..what a journey..hahahahhaa..
When our heart (and wallet) screaming "enough with the shopping while your money still save and sound !!" but our eyes and our mind and the store assistant keep saying "naaahh..that's okay, the fabric in the corner are just arrived with new pattern and design.."
Good GOD help us !!
And to keep in mind : shopping with friends is contagious !
I keep telling myself, that's it ! i just want to buy 2 meters of polkadot fabrics since i haven't got the color, and no matter how my friends seduce me with fabric in front of my eyes, i will stand my ground !
But when i checked my bag..
Yyeepp..successfully bought 2 meters of polkadot fabric, 2 meters of flowery fabrics, and 2 meters of cartoon pattern of ribbon.
So much with the promise ! hahahahhahaha...;p
But i bet we will make another round some times next week..or next month..or (who knows) couple of days later after i post this story..;p
No remorse on whatsoever..because we had a great great great time !
Definitely !
October 01, 2012
GA Winners of An Affair With d'Fiens Sew & Craft
Hello there GA hunters..
Remember our last affair with d'Fiens Sew & Craft ?
We have our winners here..
So cross your fingers and say your prayers, cause here comes the names...
Don't forget to inbox me via facebook your full address along with your mobile number for the purpose of the shipping.
And for you who aren't lucky yet..not to be worry..we'll be giving away more freebies on our next affair.
Have a great Monday..keep on crafting..:)
Remember our last affair with d'Fiens Sew & Craft ?
We have our winners here..
So cross your fingers and say your prayers, cause here comes the names...
Don't forget to inbox me via facebook your full address along with your mobile number for the purpose of the shipping.
And for you who aren't lucky yet..not to be worry..we'll be giving away more freebies on our next affair.
Have a great Monday..keep on crafting..:)