Before you protest, i have a very reasonable explanation why this affair is sooo late from schedule.
I must admit that lately i have a very very bad time management on scheduling something..that's because i felt overwhelmed with my chores.
But, i don't want your pity..hehehee..gotta do one step at a time, right ?
Without any further blabs from me..i would like to present you this month's affair with Dian Kusuma Wardani from Capungmungil
I never met mba Dini before,but i feel like she is my other-half.
I feel like we've known each other for ever..i think that's because our fond on DIY things, and our participation (and responsibility) in handmade community, Indonesian Crafter.
Mba Dini is one of my inspiration among other creative crafters i met in Indonesian Crafter. As an author of many crafting books, i think i (or perhaps we?) learn a lot from her and her tutorial about DIY things.
And so i'd like for us to have an affair with Mba Dini to get to know her we go..
Gimana cerita awal mba dini berkecimpung di dunia handmade ?
Sejak 2007, sejak nikah dan pindah ke Malang, sebelumnya saya 10 th tinggal di Bandung.
Sebetulnya latar belakang saya sih arsitektur..dan dari kecil (SD) saya suka bikin apa aja mulai saputangan yang disulam sampe taplak meja, undangan dan suvenir kawinan kakak.. saya buat sendiri.. jadi emang ngga bisa diem dan saya suka banget bikin sesuatu yang unik, cantik dan bermanfaat apalagi saya suka menggambar dan mendesain. Background arsitektur cukup membantu saya didalam mendesain produk-produk handmade ini. Latar pendidikan arsitektur memberi saya pengetahuan tentang komposisi bidang, warna dan tekstur.
Yang bikin saya terjun ke dunia craft: saya suka desain, saya gak bisa diem dan itu adalah passion yang tersembunyi..hehehe..yang tidak bisa didapat kalau kerja kantoran hehehe..(saya seorang dosen/PNS).
Meski saya suka mengajar all about crafting bikin selalu bersemangat dan karya-karya baru itu bikin awet muda hehehe..
Ide nama Capungmungil dari mana sih mba ?
Karena enak didengar.. ca-pung-mung-il..
Saya sering amati kalo bikin tag/brand untuk anak-anak (misal baju atau mainan) itu pake lebah, kepik atau kura-kura..saya pikir capung lucu juga dan gak kalah kiyut.. kalau kecoa mungkin ngga cocok kali yaa..hahahha..
Apakah dunia DIY bisa dijadikan mata pencaharian atau hanya sebatas hobi yang menguntungkan ?
Hmmm..kalau bicara kans besar kecilnya itu tergantung kita memandang.. banyak orang yang menyangsikan capungmungil pada awalnya.
Saya sempat disindir teman karena saya lulusan S2 tapi kok hanya bikin beginian..tapi buat saya hidup itu harus happy dan harus bermanfaat dengan jalan yang baik.
Perlu kerja keras dan komitmen dalam segala hal begitu juga berwirausaha di bidang handmade. Tapi yang jelas saya sebetulnya bukan berbisnis atau mencari uang lewat capungmungil..tapi saya berkreasi with heart lewat capungmungil, alhamdulillah jika karya saya diapreasi.
Menurut suami, saya ini sebetulnya adalah artist (seniman) yang kebetulan saja bisa menjual..tapi dasarnya ya itu tadi seniman..jadi kalau bisnis lagi turun ngga pernah kuatir malah seneng bisa istirahat..hehehehe..dan bisa konsen bikin karya baru.
Satu hal yang bisa membuat saya tetap komit menjalankan usaha ini adalah perajin-perajin saya, karena mereka menggantungkan penghasilannya lewat saya.
Saya sebetulnya juga jarang ikutan bazar (karena punya krucil kembar), jadi saya lebih konsen di blog dan komunitas crafter.
Network itu penting, dan ekspos by media juga turut membesarkan nama capungmungil.
Gimana cara bagi waktu antara keluarga, kerjaan kantor dan kerjaan di capungmungil ?
Membagi waktu terus terang merupakan hal sangat susah.
Saya mencoba menyiasatinya dengan mengalokasikan waktu khusus hari minggu untuk menyelesaikan pesanan, juga mencuri waktu setelah anak-anak tidur malam untuk mebuat desain dan finishing. Sedangkan pekerjaan saya sebagai dosen saya selesaikan di kantor sehingga tidak mengganggu aktivitas di rumah. Jangan lupa untuk mendelegasikan pekerjaan kepada karyawan, beri mereka kepercayaan agar mereka juga nyaman dalam bekerja.
Yang terpenting adalah bisa menyusun skala prioritas dan perencanaan kegiatan mingguan.
Prioritas utama saat ini masih anak-anak, karena mereka sedang memasuki masa golden age, oleh sebab itu saya belum progresif mengembangkan Capungmungil. Dan ternyata anak-anak justru senang terlibat pembuatan mainan, anak perempuan saya bahkan terlihat mewarisi kreatifitas saya. Suami saya juga dengan senang hati membantu paling tidak untuk mengirimkan paket dan berbelanja bahan.
Bagi - bagi saran dan tips untuk para newbie crafter dalam membangun usaha handmade dong mba ?
Wah sebetulnya kalau saya blog walking..lihat karya para indie crafter..saya suka terkagum-kagum sendiri dan sampe tidak menyangka bahwa ternyata banyak sekali orang yang sekarang memutuskan utk jadi indie crafter.. two thumbs up toek para indie crafter Indonesia.
Be a trendsetter not just follower.. miliki ciri dan karakter pada karya kita masing-masing dan karya Indonesia bisa makin kaya, dan tidak perlu harus ikut tren atau arus...kalau bisa sih ciptakan tren sendiri.
Be happy with your choice as a crafter and have fun...:)
Apa cita - cita untuk capungmungil jangka panjang ?
Cita cita capungmungil sebetulnya simple saja.. yakni tidak berhenti berkarya. Insyaallah kalau diijinkan ingin sampai tua tetap berkreasi dan mewariskan ketrampilan ini ke anak bahkan cucu...crafting jadi family tradition..hehehe..
Kalau cita cita seriusnya yaa...bikin majalah crafting seperti mollie makes atau stitch ideas, dan satu lagi, kalau ada masak memasak begitu digemari dan menjadi chef begitu kereeen..kenapa ya ngga ada acara buat crafter ? seruuu kan pasti..ehehe..;p
See that ??.
See why us as an indie crafter having trouble with time management ?? hahaha..
Because we have so many things to do, with a little time (and a little help too).
As usual..with this affair comes a great freebies to giveaway from our guest..yyiippiiee..
Answer this question below in comment column along with your email address :
Craft apa yg menurut teman-teman paling sulit dan paling ingin di pelajari ?
Do all these things below too :
Follow Capungmungil and Miss Chesie blog.
Follow Capungmungil and Miss Chesie twitter.
Like Capungmungil and Miss Chesie fan page.
Share and spread this joyful news to every social media you have.
Put our button in your blog.
And win these must have books for 3 lucky winners/giveaway hunters/followers.
1 books for 1 winner.
Deadline will be until January 5, 2013.
Good luck crafters..and keep on crafting !
December 14, 2012
Collage Pouch Workshop
Last November, i was very excited because i held my first DIY Workshop with a big support from Family Guide Magazine. They wanted me to have my workshop in their booth at IMBEX FAIR 2012.
I was both nervous and excited at the same time..what if i did something wrong and turn out those kids are more creative than me and they will mocked me for giving such an easy breezy tutorial ??
I had butterflies in my tummy and i did my preparation like a nut ! Hahahahaa..
I mean..come on..this is my first solo workshop and this is the famous magazine and this is like the biggest event for maternity and kids..and what if i screwed things up? So many "what ifs" in my mind..
I had a cold feet, people..
But..the little voice in my head whispered something encouraging..that it's okay to made a mistakes, just do my best and have fun with those kids.
Embrace the inner child in me.
So be it !
I had my first solo workshop..and having a great times with my little students..
Well done..
All wrapped great and my first workshop was a quite success (for a rookie like me..hehehe..)
Hope to have a chance to have a workshop again..
Keep on crafting everyone..:)
Last November, i was very excited because i held my first DIY Workshop with a big support from Family Guide Magazine. They wanted me to have my workshop in their booth at IMBEX FAIR 2012.
I was both nervous and excited at the same time..what if i did something wrong and turn out those kids are more creative than me and they will mocked me for giving such an easy breezy tutorial ??
I had butterflies in my tummy and i did my preparation like a nut ! Hahahahaa..
I mean..come on..this is my first solo workshop and this is the famous magazine and this is like the biggest event for maternity and kids..and what if i screwed things up? So many "what ifs" in my mind..
I had a cold feet, people..
But..the little voice in my head whispered something encouraging..that it's okay to made a mistakes, just do my best and have fun with those kids.
Embrace the inner child in me.
So be it !
I had my first solo workshop..and having a great times with my little students..
Well done..
All wrapped great and my first workshop was a quite success (for a rookie like me..hehehe..)
Hope to have a chance to have a workshop again..
Keep on crafting everyone..:)
A Hero In Us
Hello there..
Few weeks ago, Indonesian Crafter invited to be a part of some cool exhibitions, held by all students from Picture Me Art School.
We were all very excited to be a part of the exhibition..
I went teary, literally, because i was so proud with all those students who can show their abilities of making something and doing something creatively, without spending too much money.
Indonesian Crafter was giving a tutorial for those creative kiddos called "Owl Sock Dolls", tutored by Dini Kurnianing from Kupunya Handmade.
And as usual..our IC entourage were having our "time of our life" with other members of IC. From workshop to wedding (ehem..don't wanna be a spoiler of who is going to be a newlywed), from crafting to chatting. All was great.
See you on next event..keep on crafting !
Few weeks ago, Indonesian Crafter invited to be a part of some cool exhibitions, held by all students from Picture Me Art School.
We were all very excited to be a part of the exhibition..
I went teary, literally, because i was so proud with all those students who can show their abilities of making something and doing something creatively, without spending too much money.
Indonesian Crafter was giving a tutorial for those creative kiddos called "Owl Sock Dolls", tutored by Dini Kurnianing from Kupunya Handmade.
And as usual..our IC entourage were having our "time of our life" with other members of IC. From workshop to wedding (ehem..don't wanna be a spoiler of who is going to be a newlywed), from crafting to chatting. All was great.
See you on next event..keep on crafting !
November 27, 2012
Extremely Fun with Family Guide Indonesia and Miss Chesie
Baru sempet blogging lagi karena sibuk di dapur produksi..hihihi..
Kali ini Miss Chesie dikasih kesempatan untuk eksis bareng majalah Family Guide Indonesia dan ngasih workshop untuk anak - anak di event "Maternity, Baby, and Kids Expo 2012".
Acaranya so pasti bakalan seru banget karena di sana nanti kita akan membuat "Collage Pouch with Scrap Fabrics"
Kita akan membuat pouch dengan kain perca sebagai hiasannya.
Hasil akhir pouch-nya boleh dibawa pulang lho..jadi bisa untuk kenang - kenangan bahwa pada hari itu kita udah bersenang - senang sambil belajar membuat pouch kolase.
Ajak sepupu, kakak, adik, temen dan keluarga besar yaa..para orang tua akan sibuk mondar mandir shopping di event tersebut..hihihihi..daripada para anak jadi bete, better kita main - main dan bikin - bikin di booth Family Guide nanti yyuuk..:)
Biaya workshopnya murah meriah, hanya 30.000 udah dapet material kit dan bisa membawa pulang hasil karya kita nanti.
Seruuu kaannn..sekalian jalan - jalan eh dapet ilmu baru..:)
Jangan lupa intip website Family Guide Indonesia juga ya untuk info lebih lanjut.
See you there yaaa..
Marks the date !
IMBEX 2012
Booth Majalah Family Guide
Assembly Hall, Jakarta Convention Center
30 November - 2 December 2012
Keep on crafting and have fun !
Baru sempet blogging lagi karena sibuk di dapur produksi..hihihi..
Kali ini Miss Chesie dikasih kesempatan untuk eksis bareng majalah Family Guide Indonesia dan ngasih workshop untuk anak - anak di event "Maternity, Baby, and Kids Expo 2012".
Acaranya so pasti bakalan seru banget karena di sana nanti kita akan membuat "Collage Pouch with Scrap Fabrics"
Kita akan membuat pouch dengan kain perca sebagai hiasannya.
Hasil akhir pouch-nya boleh dibawa pulang lho..jadi bisa untuk kenang - kenangan bahwa pada hari itu kita udah bersenang - senang sambil belajar membuat pouch kolase.
Ajak sepupu, kakak, adik, temen dan keluarga besar yaa..para orang tua akan sibuk mondar mandir shopping di event tersebut..hihihihi..daripada para anak jadi bete, better kita main - main dan bikin - bikin di booth Family Guide nanti yyuuk..:)
Biaya workshopnya murah meriah, hanya 30.000 udah dapet material kit dan bisa membawa pulang hasil karya kita nanti.
Seruuu kaannn..sekalian jalan - jalan eh dapet ilmu baru..:)
Jangan lupa intip website Family Guide Indonesia juga ya untuk info lebih lanjut.
See you there yaaa..
Marks the date !
IMBEX 2012
Booth Majalah Family Guide
Assembly Hall, Jakarta Convention Center
30 November - 2 December 2012
Keep on crafting and have fun !
November 17, 2012
The Adventures of Madalene and Louisa
The Adventures of Madalene and Louisa
L. and M.S. Pasley ~ Random House, 1980
The authors of this captivating "found" masterpiece--a girlhood fantasy illustrated in exuberant watercolors--were Madalene and Louisa Pasley, the youngest children of Sir Thomas Pasley, Admiral-of-the-Fleet in the Crimean War and at the time this album was written (beginning in 1859 when the sisters were eleven and twelve) Commander and Chief at Portsmouth.
Dedicated entomologists, the girls portrayed themselves as two eccentric spinsters "chasing beetles and butterflies" and all manner of strange things. They also illustrated and recorded, in their beautiful copperplate handwriting, such everyday events of their lives as playing croquet and visiting Papa's ships. The result is a unique record of upper-class Victorian life as perceived by two shrewd children and an uninhibited outpouring of remarkable imagination and artistic talent.
The sisters' work was unearthed by their great nephew, Tim Jeal, who used it to produce this 1980s storybook. (More on the sisters and their story, here.)
When we were young my sister Madalene and I preferred chasing beetles and butterflies to lessons in the schoolroom. We explained to a series of daily governesses that we would rather study ENTOMOLOGY than ARITHMETIC--but none of them was interested in beetles and all of them persisted in setting us sums.
When the the girls were in between nannies, they would sneak out on daring night expeditions and seaside excursions where stink bugs were as big as dogs and dogs as large as houses. Where glow worms could be whipped and lassoed and grasshoppers could drive a horse and buggy.
Funny, magical little drawings that I would have loved to stumble across, tucked away in some old forgotten place. The story is so full of life and youthful, wild imagination, it's a joy to read and ponder. Made all the more awesome when you think of the age of the girls and the time in which they imagined these incredible wonders.
Below are Madalene and Louisa Pasley :
Have a great reads..:)
L. and M.S. Pasley ~ Random House, 1980
The authors of this captivating "found" masterpiece--a girlhood fantasy illustrated in exuberant watercolors--were Madalene and Louisa Pasley, the youngest children of Sir Thomas Pasley, Admiral-of-the-Fleet in the Crimean War and at the time this album was written (beginning in 1859 when the sisters were eleven and twelve) Commander and Chief at Portsmouth.
Dedicated entomologists, the girls portrayed themselves as two eccentric spinsters "chasing beetles and butterflies" and all manner of strange things. They also illustrated and recorded, in their beautiful copperplate handwriting, such everyday events of their lives as playing croquet and visiting Papa's ships. The result is a unique record of upper-class Victorian life as perceived by two shrewd children and an uninhibited outpouring of remarkable imagination and artistic talent.
The sisters' work was unearthed by their great nephew, Tim Jeal, who used it to produce this 1980s storybook. (More on the sisters and their story, here.)
When we were young my sister Madalene and I preferred chasing beetles and butterflies to lessons in the schoolroom. We explained to a series of daily governesses that we would rather study ENTOMOLOGY than ARITHMETIC--but none of them was interested in beetles and all of them persisted in setting us sums.
When the the girls were in between nannies, they would sneak out on daring night expeditions and seaside excursions where stink bugs were as big as dogs and dogs as large as houses. Where glow worms could be whipped and lassoed and grasshoppers could drive a horse and buggy.
Funny, magical little drawings that I would have loved to stumble across, tucked away in some old forgotten place. The story is so full of life and youthful, wild imagination, it's a joy to read and ponder. Made all the more awesome when you think of the age of the girls and the time in which they imagined these incredible wonders.
Below are Madalene and Louisa Pasley :
Have a great reads..:)
Sewing Made Simple
Sewing Made Simple by Tessa Evelegh - definitely made me falls in love with handmade things.
It's an almost textbook-style beginners guide to sewing, jam-packed with facts and diagrams and detailed instructions, but it's also a very lovely looking book.
The hardback edition is bright pink, with a pretty dust jacket and even prettier floral endpapers.
Most of the pages dedicated to information and techniques are also framed with a floral border (with a different print for each chapter). If you really loathe "girly" things this book's styling is probably not going to be for you but I found it pleasingly pretty without being too twee, with a focus on bright colours and fresh-feeling patterns.
The focus then switches to skills, with step-by-step instructions (all fully illustrated) on different techniques like sewing seams, adding zips and quilting. After each new skill is introduced, you get 1-3 simple projects to make to test out the technique (20 projects in total). Some of the projects have templates provided at the back of the book (most of which need enlarging by 300-400%) and the rest just require you to cut pieces of fabric to certain sizes.
Each project has a photo of the finished item, and step by step instructions with clear illustrations.
Such a nice read..:)
*Book reviewed by Bugs and Fishes
It's an almost textbook-style beginners guide to sewing, jam-packed with facts and diagrams and detailed instructions, but it's also a very lovely looking book.
The hardback edition is bright pink, with a pretty dust jacket and even prettier floral endpapers.
Most of the pages dedicated to information and techniques are also framed with a floral border (with a different print for each chapter). If you really loathe "girly" things this book's styling is probably not going to be for you but I found it pleasingly pretty without being too twee, with a focus on bright colours and fresh-feeling patterns.
The focus then switches to skills, with step-by-step instructions (all fully illustrated) on different techniques like sewing seams, adding zips and quilting. After each new skill is introduced, you get 1-3 simple projects to make to test out the technique (20 projects in total). Some of the projects have templates provided at the back of the book (most of which need enlarging by 300-400%) and the rest just require you to cut pieces of fabric to certain sizes.
Each project has a photo of the finished item, and step by step instructions with clear illustrations.
Such a nice read..:)
*Book reviewed by Bugs and Fishes
And the Beat Goes On: The Sonny and Cher Story
I love them.
And good God how i love everything about the 70's..look at their wardrobe below. Aren't you all agree with me ?
Even love them more in black & white photoshoot..
And their song, I Got You, epic !
This weekend you can try to rent their movie called "And the Beat Goes On: The Sonny and Cher Story".
The movie based on the autobiography of Sonny Bono, this film focuses on the volatile relationship between Sonny and Cher during the early 60's to their divorce in the late 70's.
photo sources : here
And good God how i love everything about the 70's..look at their wardrobe below. Aren't you all agree with me ?
Even love them more in black & white photoshoot..
And their song, I Got You, epic !
This weekend you can try to rent their movie called "And the Beat Goes On: The Sonny and Cher Story".
The movie based on the autobiography of Sonny Bono, this film focuses on the volatile relationship between Sonny and Cher during the early 60's to their divorce in the late 70's.
photo sources : here
November 16, 2012
8 Ways To Improve Your Craft Room
Planning a craft corner or studio space? Leanne Garrity, from Chichidee Handmade, offers her advice
• Be organised and logical about what goes where.
Stackable, clear plastic boxes are a really useful and inexpensive storage solution.
• Have the things you use most frequently close to hand to maximise your productivity.
• Fill your space with things that make you happy and inspire you.
• Put your tools and supplies on display – a vintage sewing machine, jam jars full of ribbons and buttons or even a French knitting dolly all make fun props to add character to your space.
• Make the area as comfortable as possible so that the space is really inviting to really spend time in. A cushion and a foot rug can really cosy things up.
• If you’re using a sewing machine, consider the noise and how this may affect the people around you. If you’re an early riser but your partner’s a night owl then a studio space in the bedroom might not work best.
• Think about lighting: sewing in the dark is no fun. Natural light is best, but a few inexpensive lamps positioned at different angles do the trick too.
• And, finally: don’t forget to include good music. It’ll help to create a nice atmosphere while you work.
Let's try it today..while you still have the energy..:)
• Be organised and logical about what goes where.
Stackable, clear plastic boxes are a really useful and inexpensive storage solution.
• Have the things you use most frequently close to hand to maximise your productivity.
• Fill your space with things that make you happy and inspire you.
• Put your tools and supplies on display – a vintage sewing machine, jam jars full of ribbons and buttons or even a French knitting dolly all make fun props to add character to your space.
• Make the area as comfortable as possible so that the space is really inviting to really spend time in. A cushion and a foot rug can really cosy things up.
• If you’re using a sewing machine, consider the noise and how this may affect the people around you. If you’re an early riser but your partner’s a night owl then a studio space in the bedroom might not work best.
• Think about lighting: sewing in the dark is no fun. Natural light is best, but a few inexpensive lamps positioned at different angles do the trick too.
• And, finally: don’t forget to include good music. It’ll help to create a nice atmosphere while you work.
Let's try it today..while you still have the energy..:)
November 15, 2012
SWOMA Bazaar with Sekar Magazine
Beberapa waktu lalu, Miss Chesie ikut ngeramein bazaar yang diadain majalah SEKAR dalam event-nya yaitu SWOMA Award.
Adapun SWOMA Award adalah penganugerahan oleh majalah SEKAR kepada wanita Indonesia yang berhasil mengembangkan usaha atau bisnis unik mereka sendiri.
Saya dan beberapa member dari Indonesian Crafter, komunitas crafter/handmade makers ikutan rame-rame buka booth untuk memeriahkan event SWOMA ini.
Dengan jumlah member 12 orang yang fixed join, 10 orang member dari Jabodetabek dan 2 orang member dari Bandung, maka lengkaplah sudah keriaan dan kerusuhan hari itu..hahhaha..
Serunya ngga terkatakan..hahahaha..yang pasti kami semua hepi dan had a lots of fun that day.
Hopefully next event kita bisa bareng - barengan lagi yaa..
Keep on crafting girls..:)
Adapun SWOMA Award adalah penganugerahan oleh majalah SEKAR kepada wanita Indonesia yang berhasil mengembangkan usaha atau bisnis unik mereka sendiri.
Saya dan beberapa member dari Indonesian Crafter, komunitas crafter/handmade makers ikutan rame-rame buka booth untuk memeriahkan event SWOMA ini.
Dengan jumlah member 12 orang yang fixed join, 10 orang member dari Jabodetabek dan 2 orang member dari Bandung, maka lengkaplah sudah keriaan dan kerusuhan hari itu..hahhaha..
Serunya ngga terkatakan..hahahaha..yang pasti kami semua hepi dan had a lots of fun that day.
Hopefully next event kita bisa bareng - barengan lagi yaa..
Keep on crafting girls..:)