May 23, 2014

Leftover Pouch

Beberapa waktu lalu, saya diberi kesempatan untuk bikin workshop untuk anak - anak.
Setelah mikir workshop apa yang cocok untuk anak - anak, saya putuskan untuk bikin pouch dan anak - anak nanti akan menghias pouch mereka masing - masing sesuai keinginan mereka. Bebas. Free style.

Target dari panitia adalah per hari 100 anak untuk 2 hari event, tapi mungkin karena keadaan tertentu, anak - anak tersebut agak susah untuk disuruh duduk diam selama beberapa menit saja..hahahahaa..dan akhirnya banyak yang ngga mau ikutan workshop tersebut.
Akhirnya pouch yang sudah saya bikin masih tersisa lumayan banyak dan saya sampai 2 hari lalu bingung sebaiknya pouch ini diapakan enaknya.

Baru 2 hari lalu saya kepikiran untuk mempercantik pouch polos saya..zipper pouch saya sudah berwarna - warni, jadi saya perlu sesuatu yang bisa memperhalus tampilan pouch saya...hahahahah..bahasanya deehh...
Dan inget kalo saya masih punya stamp pad untuk scrapbook yang bisa dipakai juga untuk kain, akhirnya saya coba dulu di salah satu pouch, cukup puas dengan hasilnya.
Lalu saya setrika, dan setelah itu saya cuci untuk tau apakah luntur atau ngga...dan setelah ngga luntur baru saya stamp pouch - pouch saya dengan stamp pad untuk persediaan stockist bazaar yang akan datang.

Hasilnya baguuuss..hahahaha..

Hari Sabtu ini saya akan ikutan bazaar di British International School, hopefully pouch saya ada yang suka dan mau diadopsi banyak - banyak yaa..hahaahaaa...amiieenn..

April 26, 2014

Handmade Movement 2014


Been busy a while and now i have to posting some useful information about an event called Handmade Movement 2014.

We called it in short as HMV 2014, it will be held on 1 - 4 May 2014 and many creative participants will be joining the event.
My craft community, Indonesian Crafter will also participate in this big movement of art and you can meet us at booth 18-19 along with other crafty peeps.

Also we held a craft workshop there.
You can join us and become a crafty person too, just remember that the workshop is very limited, we only have 20 seat to come on, register your name and be a part of this big crafty and creative movement.

See you there...

Have a crafty weekend..:)

April 07, 2014

Asbestos Awareness Week

As you guys already known my history with cancer, since my mother battled breast cancer in 2009 and she won the battle, but then 2 years ago, it struck again and the cancer was spread and destroyed my mother heart, lungs and kidneys.
My mother may not win the battle this time -she died on April 20th, two years ago- but she was never lose the war.

Couples of days ago, i met a new special friend via social media.
Her name is Heather Von St James.
She was diagnosed with pleural mesothelioma.

Have you heard about mesothelioma ?
Oh neither did I, and so we did the corespondent, mostly me asking Heather what is mesothelioma and her answer was shocking me.
She got mesothelioma because of asbestos.

Asbestos is not banned in the US, yet it’s the only known cause of mesothelioma. She was exposed to asbestos through her father's work jacket when she was just a little girl, her diagnosis came about 30 years later.
Once diagnosed, most patients die within 2 years. She is one of few survivors who openly share their story and work to spread awareness regarding the dangers of asbestos.
Asbestos was once used in more than 3,000 consumer products including household items such as toasters and hair dryers – some of which may still be in use.

Every year around 3,000 people are diagnosed with mesothelioma.

Heather is a survivor.

Today, she is a eight-year mesothelioma cancer survivor and have made it her mission to help other mesothelioma victims around the globe. She shares her personal story to help spread hope and awareness for others going through this, in hopes that one day no one else will have to.

In honor of upcoming Asbestos Awareness Week (April 1-7), she have created a webpage dedicated to raising awareness.

Here’s the link to her website :

Please help spreading hope and be a voice for the victims.

LEARN MORE about mesothelioma and the dangers of asbestos.

March 22, 2014

One Click Away

As a mother, sometimes i found it very difficult for us to have a "me time".

A time for ourselves and only for us.
A time when we can sip our hot and black coffee without worried about a whining toddler.
A time when we can do a window shopping without those little hands dragging us to an arcade and play Dress Me Up.
A time when we can try a new pair of ankle boots without worried about a kick in the shin when we got too long in our boots store and ignore them.
A time when we can hangout with our girl friends, a fellow mothers, and do not have to worry and check on our mobile every 10 minutes, wondering if the baby is alright with the babysitter.
A time when we can choose wisely our Little White Dress for a quick lunch with the husband without have to worry if i peck the baby will they give us a wet sloppy kiss and also a hug with their chocolate covered hands and ruin our Little White Dress ?

I love being a mother..
I love the way my toddler ruined my white dress and laughing like a maniac with him, because he told me that i look nice and sweet with the chocolate covered on me.
And other mothers will be very busy with their own errands so that i don't mind if we reset the schedule.
An ankle boots ? Who am i kidding ? I'll be thrilled if i can even find a pair of flip flop and just go straight to the mall wearing them.
I can sip my coffee at home while do the sewing for my future project and watching the kid running around in our yard..that would be relaxing.

And when i google-ing some suppliers for my project, i stumble upon this site and got excited, that i have to stop google-ing about my supplier and got my mousse clicking every items i this site's shopping cart...hahahaha..

Have you heard about ZALORA ?

Your shopping thirst will be quenched after you visit this site.
Yes, this site is like heaven for all shopping lovers, shopping addict, because they are offering you a lots of varieties of branded stuff and with a reasonable price.
They even give you a free shipping cost !!

Everything that i need for my fashion fix is only one click away now with Zalora.

And below is my next item in my shopping cart..

Red wedges shoes by EZRA.
Available only at zalora

Have a wise shopping everyone..:)

March 15, 2014

Beauty In Decay

Looking at images of an abandoned doctor's house in Germany taken by photographer Daniel Marbaix prompts curiosity similar to that evoked by great historical sites.

Who were these people? Why did they leave in such a hurry? What happened here?

The once-grand house is badly dilapidated but its rooms still boast gorgeous fixtures and items inexplicably abandoned, suggesting a sudden flight from the home by its occupants.

It's the sheer amount of items remaining in the home that shed a little light on who the occupants were.

The most eerie sight of the house, and how it got its name, is the physician's exam room, complete with instruments and slices of kidney set between glass, ready to be examined.

Daniel Marbaix has a fascination with urban decay and the places abandoned during civilization's relentless march.

He says little is known about the home, but he says the home has been abandoned for at least 20 years.

The abandoned doctor's house forms part of Marbaix's book States of Decay which documents abandoned sites from all over Europe and North America.

More of Marbaix's work can be found on his Facebook account.

Three specters: These eerie skeletal images guide visitors up the stairway to the house's second floor.

Gorgeous isn't it ?
Don't get frightened...

March 10, 2014

Talkshow & Craft Demo with Indonesian Crafter at Koloni

Last February, Indonesian Crafter got an invitation from KOLONI.

KOLONI is a one stop place for eatery & art-venture, and when you got there you are allowed to be hysterical like a 5 years old kid in a candy store because for us, crafters, that place is heaven !
Yep. I said it again...HEAVEN !

How can you feel not ??
They have great food, great ambiance, so many creative people and so many cute handmade stuff to buy and collect.

Eatery and Art-venture
Ciumbuleuit 108 , Bandung.
West Java. Indonesia.

Also we met with some of Indonesian Crafter members from Jakarta and Bandung, and of course we took few..okay, a lot of photos while we were there..

Next time you visit Bandung, do not skip this place as your craft destination..:)

Have a safe trip..keep on crafting..

New Year...New Hope..New You !

Hello everyone..

So sorry for such a very late post..
Been almost 6 months since i wrote this many things happens during that time that makes me evaluate and reviewed my life and others around me.

I lost my aunt this January, and it still hurts for us to go back to our feet.
But life goes sad as we are, we need to move on for the sake of our family too..

We are heart broken, but in other time we feel hope.
God still loves us and He wants us to keep on living full of life and have a faith in Him.

I promise..
After this "curhatan", i will try to post one story at a time.

See you on the next story..:)