October 03, 2012

Bintaro Festival Bazaar

Some of Indonesian Crafter members including me are having a great time at Bintaro Festival Bazaar last 29 - 30 September.

We made a fortune and new friends there..:)

Also the crowd was great..we didn't expect there will be a lot of buyer or handmade lover to come, since that day were so chill and very windy but at the very best we hope, there were still a good ambiance and support about our products.

Here are some of the fun during bazaar..

our handmade lovers/dearly customers..

Bazaar is so much fun when you share the moment with your friends..hope you guys have a great night..:)


1 comment:

  1. Waaaahhh serunyaaa!!! Suksesss yaaa....
    Semoga kapan2 bisa ikut join ahhh :D
